Thursday, 29 September 2011

Cascade link type 'NoCascade' is invalid for Delete. while importing customizations

If rollups installing/uninstalling does not helps, try exucute this sql on your _mscrm database:

UPDATE [dbo].[RelationshipView] SET [CascadeDelete] = 2
WHERE [IsCustomRelationship] = 0 AND [CascadeDelete] = 0

Crm routing check

* rollup matches?
* can import customization with out issue
* all code builds

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

New EA wiki tips and tricks

Nav Solution wiki template
Create a client page first with client short code e.g. WAIMIL
Create a solution page name in this format {client short code]_[Project Name] e.g. WAIMIL_CRM

What to do in the handover process?

The following tells you what to do in the handover process

The main theme is that when a request coming, you know enough to do your job. where the server is. How to compile all the code? How to deploy? Know who to ask for support, e.g. infrastructure support.

Initial meeting -> Handover meetings -> Handover closer meeting

* Initial meeting. Who is who? What is our goals?

* Another way to think about it. Where is the test? The test scripts will tell the business process.

* When will the warranty period finish? Who will determine if the case come to Management Services or the Delivery team?

* Wiki page requirement: This documentation should be completed to a level where a developer could setup a development environment, make changes, test and release the changes to UAT and Live. Use the Support Handover questions to guide you in the sort of information required.
+ Where is the code in tfs
+ Grant us sufficient tfs permission and remove permission of developer.

* We must retain all project documentation plus the dev environment. Not allow the delivery team to delete anything.

* Dev environment - Can the dev environment be setup successfully by import customisation or import org?

* Seen through the code and see the code in action in its environment/platform

* Find out the overall business process with the requirements in mind.

* Where are the servers?

* Where are the environment?

* Solution diagram

* How do the users use the system? For example, A CERA user creates an contact -> A CETAS user ticks an assessment check box -> Hit save -> A workflow will generate a household record automatically.

* Be careful with any SHARED projects or resources.

* All the Source Code is checked in, can be built successfully and deploy successfully too. Basically, the entire source code base need to be downloaded to a separated computer and build and deploy.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Fixed my roof from leaking.

The tile is made of concrete

The Ridges are made of Mortar. Mortar is like concrete but finer.

Chimney's cap is called cowling

Edward's & hardy is only doing cleaning and re-paint which need to be re-done every three years.
Re-coating however will last 30 years. Jeremy is using a industry coating which is really good.

Cladding = external wall.

A chimney pipe is called flute. Chimney has outer flute, middle flute and internal flute.

-----Key Words / Terminology-------


Chimney cowling



re-coating - booking immediately after Christmas for a March job.

clean and re-spay

Saturday, 24 September 2011

How to Parallel Park

Start position: Your car should be 30 cm away from the car, will be in front of you, in parallel. The rear wheel of your car should be next to the rear wheel of the "front" car approximately.

Turn sharp to the left.

Back in slowly

Once you back passenger door is even with the rear bumper of the "front" car, turn the steering wheel back to straight up the car.

Continue reverse straightly until the curb just disappeared from your side mirror.
Continue reverse straightly until the rear wheel facing the curb is nearly as close as the final distance desired from it (no more than 1 foot (30 cm) ultimately being desirable) and the rear end of the car is still a few feet (about a meter) from the car behind. Use the side mirror to check the position of the panel top of you rear wheel to determine you position. A rule of thumb is that if the curb disappears in the mirror when they are pointed down, you are probably too close to the curb.

Turn to the right sharply until the car parallel to the curb.

Be careful not to cut it too soon or too quickly, as this will result in being too far away from the curb. It is much harder to adjust your position in a space when you are too far away from the curb as opposed to being too close.

If you are parking in an area with shops, take advantage of the eventual reflection of your car in shop windows.

When backing up and lining up the cars, look in the driver's side mirror, and use the sides of the cars to know exactly how far your car has gone in towards the curb. I.e. how closely you've aligned them. That view of the sides of the cars (your car and the one behind you) offers a good easy view and check to know that you've positioned the car correctly. In particular, the side of your car above the rear wheels offers the best, most accurate view of where exactly your car is.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

What is WPF DependencyProperty?

When you register a DependencyProperty you provide a callback to be called when the value changes.

Here ( you have more details. I don't think anything else is public about the internals of WPF. I might be wrong.

JK Rowling Harvard Speech Quotes

Failure means striping way of the inessential. I was stopped pretending to myself I was anything other than what I was. And began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work matter to me. The rock bottom become the solid foundation.

-- J.K. Rolling

Monday, 19 September 2011

Roof contractors Wellington

Cancelling workflows via the SDK

Hi guys,

Quick query

Does anyone know if it’s possible to cancel workflows via the SDK in CRM 2011? I find this hugely useful for cancelling long running workflows when a contacts state changes.

The CRM 4.0 code has been changed to crm 2011 style and throws the error:

[System.ServiceModel.FaultException] = {"The 'SetStateDynamicEntity' method does not support entities of type 'asyncoperation'."}

SetStateRequest request = new SetStateRequest();
request.State = new OptionSetValue(3); // completed
request.Status = new OptionSetValue(AsyncOperationStatus.Canceled);
request.EntityMoniker = new EntityReference("asyncoperation", singleWorkflowInstance.Id);
SetStateResponse updated = (SetStateResponse) CRMInstance.Execute(request);

Got it guys:

Set state is not supported, but strangely a manual update works:

Entity workflowToCancel = new Entity("asyncoperation");

workflowToCancel.Id = workflowID;
workflowToCancel["statecode"] = new OptionSetValue(3);
workflowToCancel["statuscode"] = new OptionSetValue(32);


I eventually found this article on it which mentioned that an update works

possible statuscodes:

Canceled = 32;
Canceling = 22;
Failed = 31;
InProgress = 20;
Pausing = 21;
Succeeded = 30;
Waiting = 10;
WaitingForResources = 0;

Not sure on the rest of the state codes but I’m sure they would be reasonably simple

Saturday, 17 September 2011

How to improve concentration?



















































孩子不专心,通常表现为两种情况:其一是注意力飘浮不定,专注的目标会经常转移;其二是心不在焉,常沉浸于白日梦而忘记眼前的事情,后者其实不是注意力不集中的孩子,只是将注意放错。只要家长用心纠正,使他们将心事转移到主要事情上去,往往会有惊人的表现和成就。注意力不集中的原因甚多,在生理方面,孩子若身体不适,警力或知觉发展不良,天生好动,以及神经系统或大脑微功能发生问题时,都会出现注意力不集中的现象,这些情况都必须由医生检查和治疗。 此外,心理上的安全感和自信心不足,过分依赖、缺乏耐心或情绪困扰,亦是注意力不集中的原因。这些情况大多数是教育方式和成长的环境所造成的。 除了解决生理上的问题外,家长应该认识到,专心其实是一种可以训练、学习和培养的行为习惯。因此在埋怨孩子不专心的同时,亦要反省自己有无不对之处。




Friday, 16 September 2011

WPF markup extensions

is called a markup or markup tag
{StaticResource ...} is called a markup extension

Markup extension enables the XAML parser to translate value to primitives or objects. There two major categories of extensions: XAML-Defined Markup Extensions and WPF-Specific Markup Extensions

XAML-Defined Markup Extensions

WPF-Specific Markup Extensions (Listed 3 most important extensions below)

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Intergen vm platform setup process

* Use a VM Requirement template to specify the VM requirement
* Ask Resource Manager to review and raise a case with IS to setup the VM.

Rubik's cube ALGORITHMS and theory


1) Fi U Li Ui (right place face wrong side - first layer edge)

2) Ri Di R D (repeat six times then the cube will return to its original position)
also for resolve RIGHT side corner piece for the first layer.

3) U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F (Middle layer - go right)

4) Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi (Middle layer - go left)

5) F R U Ri Ui Fi (L on the up left hand of the face than use this to turn L to 1)

6) R U Ri U R U U Ri (when cross is formed on the last layer. color match one directly opposite me and one on the right side then use this)

7) U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L (Hold the correct corner on the bottom right then do this. Should not be more than twice.)

8) Ri Di R D (to solve piece on the bottom right corner and do this

commutator -
group theory -

Monday, 12 September 2011

Sunday, 11 September 2011

How to expand a virtual hard disk size

1. Expand the virtual hard disk

2. Expand the disk in the windows Disk Management

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Difference between Virtual Directory and an Application in IIS

Major reason for that is because in IIS 5.0 and IIS 5.1 we did not have the concept of AppPools, which has come up in the later versions.

Essentially, now an Application is directly mapped to the AppPool through it's AppDomain. Therefore, your Asp.Net application may contain various Virtual Directories but will run within the same AppDomain.

ribbons modification tool for crm 2011

Tristyan found this tool for modifying ribbons in 2011. I’ve had a play with it and it seems pretty good and should do what you are after 

Screen capture or snapshot screen.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Invalid Action error when trying to open Microsoft CRM 4.0; CrmWRPCTokenKey Expires

I was getting the Invalid Action error when trying to open Microsoft CRM 4.0.

CrmKey(Id:f2325117-8ab9-e011-9379-00155d009105, ScaleGroupId:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, KeyType:CrmWRPCTokenKey, Expired:True, ValidOn:07/29/2011 02:25:58, ExpiresOn:08/31/2011 02:25:58, CreatedOn:07/29/2011 02:25:58, CreatedBy:NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
CrmKeySetting(Id:a24534e8-f95d-4885-9b90-91894176bba3, KeyType:CrmWRPCTokenKey, KeyLength:128, KeyGenerationInterval:720, KeyTimeToLive:792, CryptoTimeToLive:72, Algorithm:HMACSHA256, ArchiveLength:1, Enabled:True, ActiveKeys:[ScaleGroupId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,ActiveKeyId=f2325117-8ab9-e011-9379-00155d009105])

Starting the Microsoft CRM Asynchronous Processing Service.
If the Crm Asynchronous service can NOT be started, restart the server or all related servers.

How to configure a server to belong to a domain? Cannot remote into a server in the Intergen VM environment.

How to configure a server to belong to a domain?
Cannot remote into a server in the Intergen VM environment.

* Change your IP4 Protocol settings of the LAN settings FROM


* just moved the VM to temporary Workgroup then disable firewall so that you can still remote to the service after restart. Then restart the server and added it back to the domain. When re-joining server to the new domain you desire with the new domain name, in this case it is "wms".

To move the VM to workgroup
+ Go control panel -> System
+ Click on the "Change settings" link on the right of the screen.

+ Click on "Change..." on the System Properties window.

+ Select the "Workgroup" option on the "Computer Name/Domain Changes" window

* Then restart the server

* Then switch the vm from workgroup to the new domain with the same method above

You can check all the servers or nodes belong to the domain in the DNS Manager of the AD server

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Christmas travel plan with Erica, holiday plan, 2011

Destination options:
罗托鲁瓦(Rotorua)[Mud spa][Farm Tour -]→汤加里罗国家公园(Tongariro National Park)→惠灵顿, Matamata, Tauranga[Golden beach],Napier(Wine tour)

Christchurch,→库克山国家公园(Mount Cook National Park)→蒂卡波(Tekapo)→瓦那卡(Wanaka)→箭镇(Arrow town)→皇后镇(Queenstown)—蒂阿瑙(Te Anau)[stay one day]→ Milford sound -> 丹尼丁(Dunedin)→阿卡罗阿(Akaroa - Akaroa is next to ChristChurch)

Travel plan:

Deluxe Lake Spa -

hawkes bay wine taste

hawkes bay accommodation stay on the vineyard (Expensive)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Burnt exhaust valve in lawn mower engine; Lawn mower won't start

The most common cause being too much heat in the combustion chambers. The heat will melt slots in the valve face. Anything causing it to run hot, or hotter than designed, needs to be addressed.

In my case, that is not enough engine oil.