Sunday, 31 July 2011

Saturday, 30 July 2011

59 Seconds

59 Seconds
Richard Wiseman
Author bio:
Richard Wiseman is based at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom and has
gained an international reputation for research into offbeat areas of psychology, including
deception, humor, and luck. He is the author of The Luck Factor, Quirkology, and numerous
other books.
In 59 Seconds, Professor Richard Wiseman provides numerous quick and practical ways to
improve your life gleaned from today's cutting edge science, and in the process gives a
psychologist's myth-busting response to the self-help movement. From mood to memory,
persuasion to procrastination, and resilience to relationships, Wiseman outlines the research
supporting this new science of rapid change and describes how these quirky techniques can be
incorporated into everyday life:

Find out why putting a pencil between your teeth instantly makes you feel happier

Discover why even thinking about going to the gym can help you keep in shape

Learn how putting just one thing in your wallet will improve the chance of it being returned if

Discover why writing down your goals is more effective than visualizing them

Find out why retail therapy doesn't work to improve mood and what does

A person can become more creative by lying down?

It’s beneficial for your emotional health to give rather than to receive

A light touch on the arm attract the opposite sex

Putting a plant in your office can improve your productivity

You can improve your social life by making mistakes

Get in touch with your inner Leonardo by merely glancing at modern art

Is the real art of seduction as simple as going on rollercoaster rides and avoiding artificial
Christmas trees?

Can velcro really help couples stick together?

Instantly divine a child’s destiny using just three marshmallows

What does your bedtime say about you?

Thursday, 28 July 2011

What does the WPF star do (Width=“100*”)

Another example, to give 30% to column 1 and 70% to column 2 -

And likewise for rows -

I am sure everyone else knows this, but I didn't until recently: the numbers do not have to be integers (following Dave's example) -

WPF Basics - Layout Panels

In order to arrange controls, you need to use a layout panel. WPF ships with the following layout panels:
Canvas - for specific (X,Y) positioning
StackPanel - for stacking elements horizontally or vertically
WrapPanel - automatically handles wrapping elements to a new row as needed
DockPanel - for familiar docking functionality. Dock to the sides of the window.
Grid - for a row and column based layout
UniformGrid - a specialized form of Grid where all cells are the same size

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

How do I connect to a network share via the Windows Command Prompt?

use net use, example:

net use X: \\SERVER\Share
Where X: is the drive letter you wish to map the share to, and \\SERVER\Share is the UNC path to the share. This should make the share visible in My Computer and the command line as well like all other shares mapped through the GUI.

How list everything in a folder and its subfolders

List all Files Recursively

C:\>dir /s

To save them to a file

C:\> /s /b>filelist.txt

View them a page at a time

C:\>dir /s | more

This should output the entire structure
tree /f

Thursday, 21 July 2011

How to Rdp to a Hyper-V VM (Locally hosted)

The problem:

Although you can access your vm directly from a hyper-v vm viewer by double click on the vm, the window size is pretty limited and doesn't allow easy copy and paste.

The solution:

Setup a rdp connection is the way to go.

The implementation overview:

* Ping the vm
* Enable remote access in vm
* Include vm users in remote access. Otherwise you won't be able to use the account to remote access the vm.

The implementation:

* Enable the Network Adapter for your Hyper-V vm properties. Network Adapter = Network card

* Ping the vm from the hosting machine (Not compulsory but it is good way to know if the network has been set up)
+ Allow ping request in the vm
- (In Windows 7) Control Panel --> System and security --> Windows Firewall --> Advanced settings --> Inbound rules --> New rule --> custom rule
- in Protocol and ports: Protocol: ICMPv4
on the same panel go to customize, choose "Specific ICMP types", check the box "echo request"
- The rest is trivial; go to next... next... and save it.

* Enable remote access in vm

* Include vm users in remote access
1. Open the Remote tab in the System Properties window (see instructions above).
2. Click the Select Users button in the Remote tab of the System Properties window.
3. Click Add in the Remote Desktop Users window.
4. Click the Advanced button in the Select Users window.
5. Click the Find Now button.
6. Select the user you want to add to the list of users able to log in with Remote Desktop and then click OK.
7. Click OK in the Select Users window.
Note: Make sure the user you’ve just added is in the object names box.
8. Click OK in the Remote Desktop Users window.
9. Click OK in the System Properties window.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Optimising CRM 2011 Client White Paper

To all people using CRM 2011 for demos or are currently implementing CRM 2011 great white paper on optimising CRM client performance

its been out for a while so take a look if you have not seen it before. The suggestions work!